Yup I did it again...I have been obsessing over the idea of making a summer dress, so I decided to start by making the pattern for a simple dress...well the original muslin had darts, but I eliminated the darts and did gatherings under the bust and cut out some fabric from the under arm since there was now a huge gap...it worked!!!
Then i proceed to do the back which was very simple since I didn't have to put any darts....well you wouldn't you believe how proud I was of myself... until I tried it on the freaking thing... it's humongous on me...my dress form is no longer me!!!!... she must of grown a couple of inches wider in the last year..I mean the bodice just hung there on my shoulders and when I pull the sleeves ...it just flops to the ground...was I upset...NOPE!!!...just more determined...I was happy too see that after all this I have actually learned something...and I am still proud of myself...I just need to get the details right...I will post on my improvement and take a couple of pics..The picture above is what I want it too look like when it's all done.
Then i proceed to do the back which was very simple since I didn't have to put any darts....well you wouldn't you believe how proud I was of myself... until I tried it on the freaking thing... it's humongous on me...my dress form is no longer me!!!!... she must of grown a couple of inches wider in the last year..I mean the bodice just hung there on my shoulders and when I pull the sleeves ...it just flops to the ground...was I upset...NOPE!!!...just more determined...I was happy too see that after all this I have actually learned something...and I am still proud of myself...I just need to get the details right...I will post on my improvement and take a couple of pics..The picture above is what I want it too look like when it's all done.