Tuesday, May 17, 2016


Hey everyone,
      As some of you may notice, I have not been blogging for a long while.  Honestly, it's not because I don't love the art of garment construction, it's just been a very challenging year.  I have been to two funerals in the last couple of months and it's taking it's toll on me.  Plus, I have another relative that is going through some very difficult time with her health issues.  Right now things are looking up for her, she is getting treatment and is building strength along her recovery.  Knowing that makes things allot easier to handle.
    As for now I won't be sewing all that much, it just doesn't seem like the right time. I have a few things still laying around so I might make the adjustments, but nothing all that involved.
    Anyway, that's it for now.  I apologize for not putting in my two cents but I will be watching others do their thing.
Hope all is well,

1 comment:

Vatsla said...

Whatever you do, don't stop sewing. I think its tricky. When we hot a rough patch, sewing takes a back seat. But honestly, because sewing is our therapy, that when we need it the most. Keep some simple projects on your cutting table. Or maybe finish up some UFO's. I hope you are finding some normality in every day life again. I had some health issues this year and its not easy