Monday, May 10, 2010

There is no bigger truth in....

this statement.... It all starts with you. As of lately I have not been totally dedicated to sewing and in thinking I can start a would reignite my interest. But the truth of the matter is this, sewing happens in time, it happens with constant practice, frustration, commitment, mistakes and a sense of dedication. I love to see the end result of a garment construction...but do I hate the work that it takes too make it happen. So why don't I shop for RTW clothing or have it made. I don't know it isn't the same... because after it all said and done... I DID IT!
I have not given up on the idea of starting a group because there is one meeting at the end of the month. (Which is awesome) But I now realize I have to make things happen on my own. That means get the freaking machine of the shelf, dust it off and start getting reacquainted with the whole sewing world. There is really no excuse, and I am not making one.
Okay now that is done. I have a question do you sew to relieve stress or cannot be bothered when situation is getting rough? I always thought that depending on the situation sewing can either be a life saver or a hindrance. What is your take on this?


Carol said...

I sew to make myself feel good. When I'm stressed it does wonders for me to be able to create something. I think the longer we stay away from things, the harder it is to go back. I say set yourself a few simple tasks like making a t-shirt or a pencil skirt, something that will yield a quick and easy result.

Joyce in NC said...
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Joyce in NC said...

It is hard for me to start a new project on my own. I am most productive when I meet with the other sewers. I don't know why it is so hard to get started. I really love sewing and it relaxes me but sometimes I can't seem to get motivated to start.

Ambitious Sewer said...

Thank you ladies for your response maybe when I get a little more confident with sewing it will be a form of stress reliever.
Joyce you are absolutely right when it comes to finding sewers to form a group. It's extemely frustrating but in the end I hope to start something worthwhile.

Susan said...

I don't think sewing relieves stress when I am actually sewing, but notice I am MORE stressed if I am NOT sewing. Does that make sense? It's strange, because I also get frustrated with the sewing process, but am worse if I am not sewing.

Ambitious Sewer said... makes too much sense. When I am in the process I am fightning all the way to the end. But if it isn't happening I find myself very dissappointed. I guess it's a damn if you do, damn if you don't situation.