Well this has been a disappointing outcome. There is a great deal of distortion in the fabric which I believe is caused by the lining. I think I should of underlined it instead of doing what was recommended. There was a good amount of adjusting and cutting which I think lead to this outcome. The collar is floppy because I didn't interface it, the closing is done half assed. The bottom of the skirt is bunched upwards, one of the pockets sticks out awkwardly....it is just a mess. It says homemade all over it.
My husband hates the dress, he suggested in a very direct manner to start over again. Because it is garbage. I think for the sake of my sanity. I will be sending this one to a tailor. It was way too costly and took to long for me to just throw it away.
Anyway that's it for right now.
Sorry your dress did not turn out as you had hope. The fabric is beautiful. Thanks for being transparent. It really helps to know that I are not alone in Wadderville USA.
Your robe has a calgary sewer-esque look to it. But I guess it's alright.
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