Thursday, April 1, 2010

My new therapy...and does space for sewing make a difference.

Since, It's been awhile since I have even looked at the muslin fit of my shirt....I figure why not use the blog for something just as useful. Life keeps happening so why not use this blog as my ranting space and occasionally talk about sewing.

The real reason I don't necessary keep up with my sewing is because I don't have space. I don't have a place I can walk into and just sew everything. My sewing tools are scattered across my room and it's a little distracting. Gathering things then put my stuff on an available table or space is sometimes a little much for me.

That's when it came to me...could having a sewing space make a difference in my progress? I think it will but first things first I need to move.


Carol said...

I think a sewing space makes a difference. You can go to the space and start work immediately, without having to set up equipment or get stuff out of cupboards. It makes it easy to make good use of a spare ten minutes.

Sewtellme said...

I very recently arrived at the same conclusion and have bought what I need and now just need to set everything up. I certainly hope it helps me keep up with my sewing and wish you luck!

Tanya said...

If you sew a sewing space is just as critical as a bedroom so if you have an extra one take it and turn it into a sewing room. Having a dedicated sewing space allows you the luxury of not putting your creativity on hold. I checked out a book from the library that had lots of creative ideas for sewing spaces. I love my little space in my basement and I put it together with an old door and shelving from Home Depot. If you're interested I'm happy to send you a pic.

Anne L said...

My sewing room -which is a 6 square meter corner of the living room- makes the world of a difference to me. In every way. It makes it easier to work for an entire evening, an hour, 10 minutes, everything. My-my-my space and I love it!

Ambitious Sewer said...

Thanks everyone I guess it's time to put things into perpective and try making a space for my sewing things. Tanya I would love to see what your space looks like.