I have been doing allot of thinking. And I came to a conclusion....I want to sew MORE!!!
I wanted too make a list but I got bored, but here are things I would love to complete.
1) Make 5 dresses
2) Make 4 more blouses/3 more pants
3) Make one coat
4) Start crotcheting/knitting
5) Get my halloween costume done in time for Halloween!
6) Becoming more independent with my projects!
7)Start wearing my finsished projects outdoors!
8)Start sewing my own designs!!!!!!
9)And learn more techniques and perfect the ones I know!
10) And last but definately not least....I want to be one of the best skilled sewer...like all of you out there!
YUP...that's my sewing resolution for this year. But I do have a ton more that are not sewing related....But as I always say one thing at a time. I could only pray this year will be one of the most prosperous, happiest, and healthiest New Year! And I wish you all the same Have A Very Happy New Year and many Blessings To All!!!!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Well I am excited!!! So far my muslin version of the mini jacket is coming out nicely!!! So my faith has been restored in my abilities too follow instruction.... and it's so simple at least this part...

Sunday, December 21, 2008
Doing it my !?#@*$% WAY?!!!!!.....NOT!
Hey everyone,
It's been a while since my last post... and there is a reason for it. I am in the middle of constructing two garments one is the maroon dress (which I will post later during the week) and the black mini jacket that I am working on. I know the mini jacket is out of style but I still like it and I want one. So between these two projects it is taking me a while to finish both.
Especially the maroon dress... who knew such a simple design can get so complicated! It's made out of stretch jersey which can get a little frustrating when cutting or ironing or even handling. It marks easy, it stains easy, it has it's own will and it's very stubborn. (Just like me!)
It's almost embarrising... the material really has me stumped. But it doesn't end there. Although the instruction was very easy too follow. (I have too state I am proud of myself I have never read instructions and actually understood it the first time around. ) But constructing it and putting it together has been an issue especially for my instructor. She couldn't understand why we have to put the sleeves in before the yoke. I explained to her why and even showed her, but because I cut the fabric by myself she wasn't able to follow... I wanted to do this on my own because I wanted to be a little more independent. And figuring out my dilemma or just taking the intiative to do something will teach me how to cope with mistakes, errors or how to handle a situation. But I have to be a little more patient. Since I have never worked with jersey before I will take her lead.
So now we are doing it her way, which is kind of upsetting because I finally understood what the pattern was asking for but because I cut it several sizes larger, I figured I ask for help as oppose to doing it on my own and have a jacked up looking dress. So now we are putting the yoke on first then we are adding the sleeves. I am mad, but hey what do I know... since it is a learning experience I have to take in the good with the bad.
The only thing that really bothers me is the timing... everything takes so f*%$ing long it just seems not worthwhile. I am an instant gratification girl and I want what I want now!!! I know I am spoiled but it's just my nature sometimes.
I just want it to be done. DONE!!!!
Anyway that's it for right now I will post a pic of my progress.
It's been a while since my last post... and there is a reason for it. I am in the middle of constructing two garments one is the maroon dress (which I will post later during the week) and the black mini jacket that I am working on. I know the mini jacket is out of style but I still like it and I want one. So between these two projects it is taking me a while to finish both.
Especially the maroon dress... who knew such a simple design can get so complicated! It's made out of stretch jersey which can get a little frustrating when cutting or ironing or even handling. It marks easy, it stains easy, it has it's own will and it's very stubborn. (Just like me!)
It's almost embarrising... the material really has me stumped. But it doesn't end there. Although the instruction was very easy too follow. (I have too state I am proud of myself I have never read instructions and actually understood it the first time around. ) But constructing it and putting it together has been an issue especially for my instructor. She couldn't understand why we have to put the sleeves in before the yoke. I explained to her why and even showed her, but because I cut the fabric by myself she wasn't able to follow... I wanted to do this on my own because I wanted to be a little more independent. And figuring out my dilemma or just taking the intiative to do something will teach me how to cope with mistakes, errors or how to handle a situation. But I have to be a little more patient. Since I have never worked with jersey before I will take her lead.
So now we are doing it her way, which is kind of upsetting because I finally understood what the pattern was asking for but because I cut it several sizes larger, I figured I ask for help as oppose to doing it on my own and have a jacked up looking dress. So now we are putting the yoke on first then we are adding the sleeves. I am mad, but hey what do I know... since it is a learning experience I have to take in the good with the bad.
The only thing that really bothers me is the timing... everything takes so f*%$ing long it just seems not worthwhile. I am an instant gratification girl and I want what I want now!!! I know I am spoiled but it's just my nature sometimes.
I just want it to be done. DONE!!!!
Anyway that's it for right now I will post a pic of my progress.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Finally DONE!!!!
Finally the shirt is done!!! I have to say it is one of my favorites...actually it is my favorite. I couldn't imagine a better outcome. It wasn't easy but it was well worth it. I think I may actually make another one, but this time in brown and gold.
(click on image to enlarge)

The sleeve was the only challenge I had to do it three times over inorder for everything to match correctly. But I guess today was my lucky day because the sewing machine didn't act up... well I lie she did a little bit, but it was not such an ordeal like the last couple of projects.

I am now putting my full attention on the maroon dress!!!! Then I will concentrate on making a costume for next halloween. I will certainly have fun with that one. Well that's it for right now.
(click on image to enlarge)

The sleeve was the only challenge I had to do it three times over inorder for everything to match correctly. But I guess today was my lucky day because the sewing machine didn't act up... well I lie she did a little bit, but it was not such an ordeal like the last couple of projects.

I am now putting my full attention on the maroon dress!!!! Then I will concentrate on making a costume for next halloween. I will certainly have fun with that one. Well that's it for right now.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Just tired....
Still working on my blouse and so far I am having a hard time with the silver trim...it's so hard to manipulate, I think I am going to just top stitch it on the blouse and call it a day... I am also working on the maroon dress, well so far I got the bust section together but honestly I have been real lazy and it takes me a while to get on the sewing machine... it's just crazy! I rather just lay in bed and do nothing than to get off my lazy behind and actually finish the projects and I take so long because I always procrastinate... and the weather is not helping the cause, not at all.
Anyway I should have everything done soon. Hope everyone is doing well.
Anyway I should have everything done soon. Hope everyone is doing well.
Monday, October 20, 2008
I love IGIGI !
I absolutely love IGIGI...whenever I get online to search for inspiration or just want too drool over beautiful dresses I just go to that website and fall in love...There are a few pieces that I must have starting with this dress...

Yup isn't it wonderful, and look at the details the collar made wide to accentuate the neckline, and the placing of the white helps put the focus on the models gorgeous face. I love how it's design with women like me in mind. ( I think I heard that statement somewhere before...)

And look at this top it's so flattering and flurtateous, the color, style and how they paired it with the skirt is absolutely brilliant....
Well that's it for right now.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Blue Blouse update!
Hey everyone,
I just wanted to update you guys on my progress, you remember the blue blouse I was writing about a while ago...Well it's ninety percent done all I have to do is the hem, finish the collar and add on the embellishments....
Here it is!!!
I couldn't take anymore pics because I was running low on batteries so this will have to do for right now but I will take more pics later during the week....
As far as the maroon dress it is coming out okay...so far I have alot of gatherings to do but not all that bad...anyway that's it for right now...
I just wanted to update you guys on my progress, you remember the blue blouse I was writing about a while ago...Well it's ninety percent done all I have to do is the hem, finish the collar and add on the embellishments....
Here it is!!!
I couldn't take anymore pics because I was running low on batteries so this will have to do for right now but I will take more pics later during the week....

As far as the maroon dress it is coming out okay...so far I have alot of gatherings to do but not all that bad...anyway that's it for right now...
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Three books....
Since I am having a little issue with patterns fitting me properly, I decided to go to the library and get some books out ....
1) Fast Fit from Sandra Betzina
1) Fast Fit from Sandra Betzina

2) Life is not a dress size by Rita Farro

So far I am beginning to get a better understanding on how to manipulate the patterns. I will post my progress with the dress. So far I have pinned the bust on my form and it looks alright, the only problem is the under arm area, but I think I will gather that area and see what it looks like. Wish me luck.
Ambitious Sewer
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Working on Butterick b5243...

Hey everyone,
Well I just wanted to update on my progress on pattern b5243 so far, I cut out the pattern pieces but had a little issue with the fitting...It really doesn't surprise me since this is a problem I encounter every time I start a new project....the only thing though is that most of my midsection is about three inches larger than the piece...I wasn't sure whether or not to extend the garment by three inches...since it is a jersey knit.
I mean the fabric stretches but how far can it stretch? I wasn't sure so I retraced the pattern on tracing paper and made the adjustments...now what it comes down too is cutting the fabric out...I am kind of intimidated, because I never cut on my own...and once you cut it's final...well hopefully I have nothing too worry about.
Anyway that's about it I will post pictures on the before and after pattern adjustment...if anyone has any suggestions on how to extend a pattern without having to go through all the trouble of making new ones it would be very much appreciated.
Well I hope everyone had a good week and God Bless.
Ambitious Sewer

Sunday, October 5, 2008
Journey to JoAnn's!

I have to say in the last 4 days, I have been ridiculously buying fabrics. For what! I have no clue. It all started out so innocently. I went to the store just to get a jersey knit fabric.
No big deal! Until I saw the clearence rack. I thought hey why not check it out. I figure what was the harm just go and see what they got. Dumb mistake!
I saw a fabric they call Avon, I am not sure what the hell it is or what it does all I knew was $3.00 a yard, and I was happy. Mind you on the label it specifically states do not dry clean, machine wash, or use dryer only hand-wash.
At the time I should of said nope not worth it. But no... all I saw was three dollars a yard and Ooh what a pretty color and I took it. Then my confused behind continued my search for a stretchy fabric... so I went to the isle that said all stretch fabrics....these people need to set up specific signs for people like me because I don't have a clue...NONE!
I saw a burgundy fabric and assumed it was jersey knit only to bring it home and see it was a fabric called PONTE mixed with polyester...What was real stupid was the fact they only had 2 yards left...and I needed THREE!!! I PURCHASED IT ANYWAY!!!!! Tell me the logic in that...again in my mind all I thought was OOOHHHH pretty color! Jesus, I need help!!!
About $45 dollars into this ridiculousness, I had the nerve to go back to JoAnn's ( I just don't learn) . But really I went back because my confused behind left in such a haste I forgot the pattern and socks on the counter after purchasing them. So I had to go back and get my things...I didn't spend money to give my stuff away hell no!!!
I shouldn't continue this story because this should change people's perception of me by the time I am done....but since you guys are so kind I figured why not?
Guess what I did!!! Before I went back to get my things....I went to another JoAnn's...lol, and guess what I brought 4 yards of burgundy jersey knit. It cost me $32 dollars....I don't need all that fabric!!! But I am crazy, so of course I am going to buy all that fabric! I just yell out a number that sounds good to me and put yards behind it...At that point I think I am accomplishing something... Yes!!! Accomplishing to buy more fabrics than I need!!! Because in my head I must be the size of a baby elephant!!!
So now I have 10 yards of fabric that will just sit there until I either give it away or make something with it! Send prayers out because I am losing it!!!
Then after my little journey I come to find out that I am not too crazy about jersey knits! All in all, it was a pay week I must of wanted to spend money, and now I have to commit to a fabric that I might not like...Next time I want to experiment I will go to Wal-mart then and there it will be allot cheaper!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
I have been inspired!!!!
Thanks to you lovely folks!!! I have been inspired to go on and pursue new projects...I have learned a real good lesson from this experience even if you have measured and re-adjusted your patterns it never hurts to re-check before doing the final fitting...
1) I am really considering taking the dress to a tailor and getting it done...at this point I much rather pay then take it apart and doing it over again.
2) I love my dress so what if it's busy, it's mine I made it, I want it and I am going to wear it!!! Maybe I will start off by wearing it in the basement then I work my way to the surface...but if one a-hole snickers at me...I will...I will... I will give them a real dirty look and run back too my house and bury it in the backyard...lol
Now to my new evil creations...you can't stop me!!!! I will murder all these patterns before I get it right...(can you hear my evil laughter)...no...okay...I will type it out for you (HAH,HAH,HAH,HAH*cough*)
Now thanks to Mimi Goodwin and her beautiful outcome...I decided on doing two patterns that she has done...I guarantee her version is much better...I know this because...just take my word for it so here they are...

And this one I always wanted to do if you look at my wish list from the past postings you will recognize it...

Talk to you later
Friday, September 26, 2008
There it is!!!!

Well here it is the dress!!! I had a problem with the collar it stood to high so I bend it so it would look a little better!!!

What I am going to do is put it too the side and see if I should finish it or let the professionals handle this!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
I really don't have any excuse!!!
I have been debating whether or not to post the final look of the dress...and I am mostly hanging on no...I don't hate the dress it's just after it's all done I realize I may not be able to wear it...this is the umteenth time I have made a garment and decided it was just too busy to wear...Plus I still have to get shoes to go with the outfit...on me it looks like a cross between a pimp and a church girl...I love the fabric and the print but maybe it's too much for a whole dress anyway, I will be posting pictures of it tomorrow...please let me know what you think.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
So here is the dress with the sleeves and collar done....I still have the other waistband to put on and hem the skirt and add the zipper and I will finally be done!!!
Here is a close up of the collar...I hate the fact it looks a little flimsy I put in the interfacing and top stitched the collar so it can be a little more stiff...but it didn't work out so well...I am going to have to figure something out....
Here is the sleeve with the lapel I didn't get my buttons yet but you get the idea....

My biggest issue right now is the back of the bodice it's real tight, constricted and really uncomfortable...
Well other than that my blue shirt is coming along pretty well ...I will post about that next time but ...as of right now I am concentrating on my new project ....I originally was going to use Mc Call's M555 dress...but I thought it was kind of boring so...I thought about combining it with Burda 7783 ...I am too crazy about the collar, well actually I love the collar but it's too trendy and might not be able to use it for long...so I thought I use McCall's collar and use the sleeves and pockets on Burda....

Now I am not too sure about the combination...I thought it was a good idea a while ago but looking back I am not too sure...I love the silver/gray and black combo but the black has a pattern on it's own so wouldn't that be a little much?
I was hoping to use the black for the body of the garment and the grey would be used on the collar and the band of the sleeves...
Well that's about it for now... I will be posting real soon!!!!

Well other than that my blue shirt is coming along pretty well ...I will post about that next time but ...as of right now I am concentrating on my new project ....I originally was going to use Mc Call's M555 dress...but I thought it was kind of boring so...I thought about combining it with Burda 7783 ...I am too crazy about the collar, well actually I love the collar but it's too trendy and might not be able to use it for long...so I thought I use McCall's collar and use the sleeves and pockets on Burda....

I was hoping to use the black for the body of the garment and the grey would be used on the collar and the band of the sleeves...

Sunday, August 31, 2008
Keeping it moving...New Look 6544 Misses Tunic

Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Yay for fall fashion week....(atleast for me)
I am absolutely in love with these black laced shoes

on YOOX.com, I have too have them and it's a damn shame they are sold out...

These are from Nine West isn't it just awesome!!!!!
This dress is from Neiman Marcus website some of the dresses are from Donna Karen...what I love about this site is that every dress is catagorized by occasion so if your going to a dinner party go to that section for it, if your going to a cocktail party there is another section just for that! You don't have to do the thinking!!! ( which is great!)
So I am going gaga...for fall I watched HSN, QVC, for inspiration...and then I stole my mother's ELLE magazine...there is so much selections for fall... and I fell in love with the lace/goth look that is now very trendy!!!!!
I guess lace is coming back hard the funny thing about it is, that almost two years ago lace was considered granny or make a garment look ancient, and now its the new craze...I knew I should of followed my instincts

Just wanted to say thanks...
This post is for all of the people who took the time to read my post and even make comments...thank you for just giving insightful comments or encouragements...it helps to know that people are kind enough to do the little things that mean the world to me....Thanks once again and I encourage you to continue
Peace,Love, Respect
Ambitous Sewer
Peace,Love, Respect
Ambitous Sewer
Sunday, August 24, 2008
So here it is......
So here it is... as you can see the sleeves are not done I have not put the collar in yet..still have to put in the side zipper...
You can see that the seams don't match even in it's pinned stage...I think I have to restitch the first three panels so it can look more uniform and professional

Here is the collar and facing ....

I was trying to take a picture of the point of the gore...
here is the controversial edge zig zag stitch...bad move

So here it is...I hope by the middle of September I will finally finish this garment...

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